発行年: 1997年
出版: Art in America
装丁:ソフトカバー 雑誌
中古 経年並
1997年6月号 米国の美術雑誌Art in Americaです。
シンディ・シャーマンが、初期作品「無題のフィルムスチル」から完成したての映画「Office Killer」までの作品について、ロングインタビューに答えています。
ホイットニー美術館の「Making Mischief」展、ニューヨーク・ダダの短くも波乱に満ちた人生を再考しています。
A Woman of Parts by Noriko Fuku
In a wide-ranging interview, Cindy Sherman comments on her work from
the early Untitled Film Stills to her just completed movie, Office Killer
The New York Pre-School by Marcia E. Vetrocq
The Whitney Museum's "Making Mischief" revisited the short but
tumultuous life of New York Dada.
Recreational Debris by Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
The sprawling installations of German artist Olaf Metzel present
a skeptical vision of mass leisure pursuits.
Chimeras of Clay by Carter Ratclift
Michael Lucero's brilliantly colored clay sculptures evoke sources ranging
from pre-Columbian artifacts to Miró.
Outtakes from the Chapel by Frances Colpitt
Mark Rothko's studies and alternate" paintings for his Houston chapel
commission were recently on view at the Menil Collection
The Powers of Magnification by Raphael Rubinstein
Jeanne Silverthorne's new "pictures" are based on enlargements
of microscopic views of cells and skin.
Suddenly It All Makes Sense by Virginia Rutledge
A traveling exhibition explores the whimsical objects,
photographs and videos of the Swiss team Fischli and Weiss.
Front Page
Review of Books
Michael FitzGerald on John Richardson's A Life of Picasso, Volume II;
Jonathan Brown, ed., Picasso and the Spanish Tradition, and Susan Grace Galassi, Picasso's Variations on the Masters: Confrontations with the Past
Report from New York Turtle Derby by Brooks Adams
Art & Money Blockbusters, Inc. by Lee Rosenbaum
Report from Australia Pacific Basin Futures by Judith E. Stein
Review of Exhibitions New York, Santa Monica, Toronto, Milan, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam
Cover: Cindy Sherman, Untitled 30 (detail). 1996. Cibachrome 56X by 38 inches Courtesy Metro Pictures. See interview with Cindy Sherman beginning on page 74